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The history of this House begins in medieval Italy during the eleventh century as the city of Como was losing its decade-long war against Milan. In the centuries since, Como never truly regained a chance to compete against the city that became the economic hub of northern Italy. Como and its lake are today a tranquil tourism destination where many Milanese residents — just 100 km away — buy a holiday home. Recently, a piece of land was sold by a local villager to a Milanese businessman hoping to build a house where to spend his weekends. Their agreement divided the land into two portions to host two houses, of which the lower one will still belong to the seller of the land.
这栋房子的历史始于公元11世纪,意大利中世纪的科莫城在与近邻米兰城长达10年的战争中失利。战争后的的几个世纪里,米兰成为了意大利北部的经济中心,科莫再有没有机会能与米兰抗争。科莫城和科莫湖成为了100公里外米兰城很多居民的度假之地。 近期,当地的居民将一块土地卖给米兰的商人,以用作建造他的度假住宅。土地的拥有者与商人达成一致,将土地一分为二,建两栋房子,其中低处的房子仍作为原土地主人的住宅。 |
项目介绍 2012 工程完工
地点 意大利科莫湖
面积 270平方米
设计团队 Daniele Baratelli, Marco Mattei |
The sloped land is worked out by the insertion of retaining walls, which are realized by using local stone masonry. The first actually hosts the garage. Big windows are opened facing the lake, and an outdoor terrace is created to enjoy the summer breeze. 倾斜的地形用挡土墙来处理,挡土墙的材料采用基地的石材,第一台阶被设计为车库。建筑面湖有通透玻璃幕墙,设计的室外露台可用来享受夏天的凉爽微风。