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BETWEEN is a design studio founded in 2016. Its interest lies BETWEEN architecture, interior design and urban planning. Is composed by a talented, multi-disciplinary group of young designers, and operates BETWEEN Europe and Asia, with offices in Italy, Como and China, Beijing. 其间设计工作室成立于2016年,建筑设计、室内空间、城市规划的设计与研究是我们的兴趣所在。工作室由一群才华横溢的多元化背景的年轻设计师组成。正如我们的名字,建筑与设计其间,城市与居所其间,中国和欧洲其间。
BETWEEN is also a process, of a design research in BETWEEN different scales and different contexts. We believe design is never a stand-alone object, or a product of a one-and-only brilliant mind, but is rather a result of a complex process involving social, economic, contextual factors. The result? It lies in BETWEEN. 其间,也是一个在不同的尺度与环境中进行设计研究和实践的过程。我们相信设计不仅仅是一件独立的个体,也非单一智慧迸发的商品。设计是一个复杂的过程,涉及社会,经济和多种情境因素。设计的结果正在于这些元素其间。
Every of our designs has a story behind. Or ahead? Spanning from single private clients to big corporates, from the Italian countryside to a Chinese megalopolis, our capacity as designers, similar as movie directors or videogame producers, is to oversee the complicated construction process and be able to tell a story, and make it comprehensive and coherent, directing the results towards the final picture. Furthermore, we help define identities. Which space do you think better represents you? This is almost a vital necessity in this globalized world constantly levelling individual preferences for the sake of an “easier to sell” mainstream taste. Everyone of our designs always starts questioning the right questions.
我们的每一件设计背后都有一段故事,亦或是一段故事的产物。从私人委托到公司客户,从意大利的乡间到中国的都会,我们设计师的工作更像是电影导演,或者电子游戏制作人,在于不断预测复杂的建筑过程并尽可能的讲好蕴含其间的故事,使其全面并且连贯,并达到最终的预期。 与此同时,我们也帮助定义不同的个体。怎样的空间才可以更好的代表你呢?在这个全球化不断进程的世界里,主流品味不断冲击着个人偏好,使得个性定制化需求变得从未如此重要。激发客户的个性化需求也是我们的设计师不断追求的。